Trailing in the Rain

Trail des Grottes de Saint Christophe en Chartreuse.

Trail des Grottes 2023

In spring 2023, I had the opportunity to document the second edition of the Trail des Grottes at the caves of Saint Christophe, in the Chartreuse mountains. After participating in the trail the year before, I knew the landscape of the path, and was well prepared to take one this challenge.

One-man army

Working as a Freelancer often means being a one-man-army. Since for a trail, this means running all over the place to get to all the best spots, this can get very sportive very fast. Luckily I knew the spots from running the same trail myself one year earlier, and managed to cover all the important passages of the trail, notably the crossing of the roman bridge and through the cave system.

Trail des Grottes de Saint Christophe en Chartreuse.

Trail des Grottes de Saint Christophe en Chartreuse

Running in the rain

Unfortunately, it was raining for the whole duration of the trail, which surely didn’t make my day any easier.

Adding some mouvement

Not only was it challenging enough to take pictures under the pouring rain, no, I added myself the challenge of also making a small video, presenting this pictoresque trail in the Chartreuse massif.

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